Poor posture and pain

Posture is how you hold your body when you’re sitting, laying or standing. Good posture limits the strain on our musculoskeletal system while we do our daily activities. Bad habits such as excessive computer and tablet use, slouching in chairs and not moving as much as we should can all lead to poor posture.

Many things can cause neck pain, one of the most common causes is bad posture. When you slouch your shoulders and your head hangs forward the ligaments can become over-stretched, the muscles become tired and this causes excessive pressure onto the neck joints, muscles and ligaments. Over time this can cause a change in the mechanics of your body- the way the muscles and joints move- and can often cause pain and sometimes headaches.

It is imperative to maintain good posture at work, at home and while you sleep. Good posture helps to develop strong postural muscles which makes it easier to maintain that good posture over time. Good posture maintains good joint and muscle flexibility and equal muscle tone on both sides. It can also reduce abnormal wearing of the joints, reduce ligamentous strain and fatigue.

When you sit at your desk in front of your computer, make sure the screen is at eye level, the keyboard and mouse are within reach while keeping your elbows by your sides, you have lumbar (lower back) support from your chair and maintain an upright posture. Sitting on the couch- make sure you are using the back of the couch for lower back support and don’t slump into it. Laying your head on the arm rest of the couch is a big no-no!

When sleeping its best to sleep on your side or back. A contoured supportive pillow is recommended to support your neck while you sleep, and if on your side, a pillow between your legs helps to maintain good posture. Caution when getting out of bed also helps- roll to your side and use your hand and elbow to push yourself to sitting.

When standing the best way to develop good posture is to imagine you have a string attached to the top of your head that is pulling you upwards.

It is prudent to get specific tailored advice on your postural problems as every body is different and requires different recommendations and interventions.

For further information, or to consult with one of our highly skilled Chiropractors you can use the Contact button at the bottom of this page or call our practice on (08) 9276 6604.




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